It is well known that people learn best by doing, much more than by just hearing or seeing. That’s why almost all organizations setup hands-on training paths for new hires.
When dealing with intrinsically hazardous environments, where making a mistake can have catastrophic consequences, “training on the job” becomes extremely dangerous for people, for the environment, and for company assets, and yet hard to schedule and very expensive.
VISIT™ (Virtual Site Induction Training) is 4DLABS’ software platform for immersive training simulations, which allows trainees to come into contact with a simulated immersive 3D virtual world that emulates actual conditions, to familiarize with the scenario and gain information on its main elements, to perceive the underlying mechanics involved and allow the realization of several attempts, if necessary, to perform tasks without the cost associated with errors in a real situation.
The use of computer technology and advanced 3D video graphics for the purpose of training is known as “serious gaming”.
Besides the major benefit of training people in hazardous environments without the need to subject trainees to real life situations, serious games have strong appeal to youngsters, capture and hold the attention of trainees, as well as they enhance curiosity and learning desire, providing an interesting activity all over the times.
To train your personnel in hazardous real life scenarios without real risksREALISM
To enhance the sense of immersion and the retention of informationINTERACTIVITY
To perform almost any action that would be required in the real worldRAPID SCENARIO CREATION
To train personnel into environments distant both in space and timeWIDE VARIETY OF PLATFORMS
To suit the needs of your personnel in any situation, in-office or travellingUNLIMITED POSSIBLE SCENARIOS
To create any virtual world you like. The only limit is your imaginationfrom pure walkthroughs to highly interactive training and examination sessions